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Morr F
Salute Dell' Uomo (Minoxidil, Finasteride)

Marca (Marchi): Morr F

Fabbricante: Intas Pharmaceuticals

Diseases: Hair Loss / Alopecia

Morr F 5% Solution è un medicinale combinato utilizzato nel trattamento della caduta dei capelli negli uomini. Agisce aumentando il flusso di sangue ai follicoli piliferi che previene ulteriormente la perdita dei capelli e stimola la ricrescita con conseguente più a lungo, più spessa e un aumento del numero di capelli.
Confezione Prezzo Per spray Risparmio Ordine
Morr F Prezzo:€ 101.15 Per spray:€ 101.15 Ordine:
€ 101.15
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Morr F Free AirMail shipping Prezzo:€ 165.55 Per spray:€ 82.78 Risparmio:- Ordine:
€ 165.55
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Morr F Free AirMail shipping Prezzo:€ 220.75 Per spray:€ 73.58 Risparmio:- Ordine:
€ 220.75
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Morr F Free AirMail shipping Prezzo:€ 275.95 Per spray:€ 68.99 Risparmio:- Ordine:
€ 275.95
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  • Vi garantiamo di ricevere uno sconto del 5% sul secondo ordine.
  • Vi garantiamo di ricevere uno sconto del 7% sul terzo e ulteriori ordini.
  • Noi aggiungeremo 4 pillole di Viagra Soft generico regalo per ogni ordine per più di 20 pillole di Priligy generico, Propecia generico o di un farmaco di disfunzione erettile.
  • Noi aggiungeremo 10 pillole di Viagra generico per ogni ordine per più di 60 pillole di Priligy generico, Propecia generico o di un farmaco di disfunzione erettile.
  • Noi aggiungeremo 20 pillole di Viagra generico per ogni ordine per più di 100 pillole di Priligy generico, Propecia generico o di un farmaco di disfunzione erettile.
  • Offriamo gratuitamente il servizio di Standard Airmail per tutti gli ordini per più di $150.

Informazioni importanti

Ricordate che le pillole che Voi riceverete da noi hanno un aspetto diverso dalle pillole di marca. L'aspetto dei medicinali come il nome del marchio sono di proprietà intellettuale del produttore del marchio. Per evitare qualsiasi accusa di violazione della legge noi abbiamo dovuto cambiare la forma e il colore delle pillole generiche, ed usiamo il nome del principio attivo al posto del nome del marchio da imprimere sulle pillole. Per favore, cliccare qui per vedere l'immagine del campione.

Morr f®

What is this product?

Morr F 5% Solution is a combination medicine used in the treatment of hair loss in men. It works by increasing blood flow to the hair follicles which further prevents hair loss and stimulates re-growth resulting in longer, thicker and increased numbers of hair.

Use Morr F 5% Solution in the dose and duration as prescribed by your doctor or as instructed in the label. Clean and dry your scalp before using it. It may take several months before you notice any hair growth. The first growth could be soft, colorless, and barely visible. Use it in the exact dose and duration as prescribed by your doctor. Using more than recommended will not speed up hair growth and may increase the likelihood of side effects. Use it for as long as the doctor has prescribed to maintain proper hair growth. If your condition does not improve after using it for 4 to 6 months, tell your doctor. This medicine is to be used only by men and not indicated in women.

It is generally safe, however, it may cause few common side effects such as application site reactions, dry skin, impotence, decreased libido, ejaculation disorders, breast enlargement, breast tenderness in males, and skin rash. In case of accidental contact with other parts of the body, it may cause excessive hair growth. If you get it in your eyes, mouth, or broken skin, rinse thoroughly with plenty of water. Talk to your doctor if you are bothered by side effects or they do not go away.

To ensure its safety, before using this medicine, let your doctor know if you have any problems with your heart. Additionally, inform your doctor about all the medicines you are taking. Pregnant, potentially pregnant, or breastfeeding women should not handle this medicine because of the possibility of absorption of finasteride. As it may cause potential harm to a male baby or fetus.

Benefits of this product

In Treatment of Hair loss

Morr F 5% Solution is a medicine used to treat common hereditary hair loss in men. It prevents further hair loss and helps hair to regrow. It increases blood flow to the hair follicles on your scalp, which prevents hair cell death and also enhances new hair growth. It also stops production of a hormone that causes excessive hair fall or baldness and also increases hair growth. It is most effective for baldness or thinning at the top of the scalp but less effective at the front or for receding hairline. Benefits are less likely if you have been bald for many years or have a large area of hair loss.

Morr F 5% Solution is not suitable for sudden or unexplained hair loss. It is considered as a safe medicine. However, hair that has regrown may disappear after a few months. Regrowth of hair can be beneficial to your mood, self-esteem as well as your appearance, but you need to use it regularly to get the benefits. This product is meant only for men and should not be used in women.

Side effects

Most side effects do not require any medical attention and disappear as your body adjusts to the medicine. Consult your doctor if they persist or if you’re worried about them

  • Application side reactions (burning, irritation, itching and redness)
  • Flakes on scalp
  • Skin irritation
  • Hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth)
  • Fast heart rate
  • Pain in the chest, arm, or shoulder

How to use Morr F Solution?

Use this medicine in the dose and duration as advised by your doctor. Check the label for directions before use.

How this product works?

Morr F 5% Solution is a combination of two medicines: Minoxidil and Finasteride, which treats hair loss in men. In men, the balding scalp contains small sized hair follicles along with increased levels of a male hormone that is believed to cause excessive hair loss and retards hair growth. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, which means it widens the blood vessels and provides better blood flow to the hair follicles. This prevents hair loss and stimulates re-growth resulting in longer, thicker and increased numbers of hair. Finasteride is a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor. It blocks the production of a male hormone in the scalp that stops hair growth, thereby reversing the balding process and preventing further hair loss.

What if I miss the dose?

If you miss a dose of Morr F 5% Solution, apply it as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and go back to your regular schedule. Do not double the dose.

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