
ジェネリック Contractubex
スキンケア (Heparin Sodium + Allantoin + Onion Extract)

ブランド: Scarend

製造元: Mankind Pharma Limited

病衣: Scares

ジェネリックコンツラクツベクス(Generic Contractubex)は、さまざまな傷跡に対して最高の医療の中で1つです。内部から過度の瘢痕組織形成を避けることによって、それは皮膚回復のプロセスを容易にします。それは、うずうずすること、赤み、表皮の緊張感を妨げます。それは、それを非常に弾力性があって滑らかにすることによって、傷跡がある組織を熟成させます。
パッケージ 価格 あたり チューブ 節約 ご注文
Contractubex 価格:¥ 7777.08 あたり チューブ:¥ 3888.54 ご注文:
¥ 7777.08


  • 2回目の注文では5%割引とさせていただきます。
  • 3回目以降の注文では7%割引とさせていただきます。
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  • ジェネリックプリリジー、ジェネリックプロペシアまたは勃起障害薬剤の錠剤を一度に60個以上ご注文していただくとジェネリックバイアグラ錠剤を10個プレゼントいたします。
  • ジェネリックプリリジー、ジェネリックプロペシアまたは勃起障害薬剤の錠剤を一度に100個以上ご注文していただくとジェネリックバイアグラ錠剤を20個プレゼントいたします。
  • $150を超えるご注文で普通航空郵便サービス無料となります。


弊社より受け取る医薬品の外観は、ブランド品とは異なりますのでご注意下さい。医薬品の外見は、ブランド名と共に製造者の知的財産権です。従いまして、著作権侵害の非難を避ける為、弊社はブランド名を錠剤に印刷する代わりに、有効成分を使用する必要があると共に、ジェネリック薬の形や色を変更する必要があります。以下をクリックしてここ サンプル写真をご覧下さい。

Contractubex Cream

Contractubex is a highly effective treatment for all scar types. It actively promotes the healing process of the skin and reduces scarring from within.

The scar gel with the triple effect:

  • Prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue
  • Reduces redness, itching and the feeling of tension
  • Makes the scar smoother and improves elasticity

Contractubex Cream

Contractubex is a highly effective treatment for all scar types. It actively promotes the healing process of the skin and reduces scarring from within.

The scar gel with the triple effect:

  • Prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue
  • Reduces redness, itching and the feeling of tension
  • Makes the scar smoother and improves elasticity

For best possible results, start treatment as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches are removed. This ensures that your scar will become so fine that you will hardly see or feel it.

Contractubex can be used after:

  • abrasions, cuts or lacerations
  • operations
  • burns or scalds
  • laser treatments (e.g. tattoo removal)

Active ingredients

Contractubex – effective thanks to a unique combination of active ingredients

You can start the treatment with Contractubex as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches have been removed. The transparent gel contains active ingredients that support the healing process inside the skin, regulating the production of scar tissue and working to positively influence scar formation.

Contractubex contains three complementary active ingredients:

1. Extractum cepae

has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties and prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue.

2. Heparin

softens the tissue structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, supports cell and tissue regeneration and is able to bind water to the scar tissue.

3. Allantoin

encourages wound healing and has a softening effect, promotes penetration through the skin and relieves the itching often associated with scar formation.

How should I use this medicine?

Early and consistent treatment with Contractubex leads to visible results

The sooner a scar is treated, the greater the chance of positively influencing scar formation. Start applying Contractubex as soon as the wound is closed and/or any stitches have been removed. The clear gel is easy and safe to apply.

Ideally, Contractubex gel should be gently massaged in 2 to 3 times daily for at least 3 months. Contractubex forms a discrete film that protects the sensitive scar tissue.

Apply Contractubex only to wounds that are already closed. Avoid contact with eyes, the inside of the nose or mouth and other mucous membranes.

Start at the centre and work towards the edges, massaging the gel gently into the scar.

Continue with a small, circular motion until Contractubex is completely absorbed.

Scar treatment needs patience, as the injured skin takes time to heal. After about 4 weeks, a reduction of redness can usually be observed; after two months, the scar tissue gradually becomes lighter, more elastic and flat.

Contractubex is very safe and its tolerability has been proven in numerous clinical studies. Small children and even babies can be treated safely.

The treatment can also work on scars that are older. With older scars Contractubex should be massaged in 3 times daily for at least 6 months.

Areas of use

Wounds are injuries of the skin and stay with us our whole lives. Most wounds are harmless and are quickly forgotten. Nevertheless, they leave marks on our skin: a scar.

Contractubex can be used following many different types of injuries to the skin:

  • Abrasions
  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Operations (including after Caesarean section)
  • Burns or scalds
  • Laser treatments (such as tattoo removal)

The resulting scars are also as diverse as the types of injuries. Some scars are barely visible, while others may hurt or even cause physical impairments – for example, in range of motion.

For best possible results, start treatment as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches are removed. This ensures that your scar will become so fine that you will hardly see or feel it.

Contractubex can be used after:

  • abrasions, cuts or lacerations
  • operations
  • burns or scalds
  • laser treatments (e.g. tattoo removal)

Active ingredients

Contractubex – effective thanks to a unique combination of active ingredients

You can start the treatment with Contractubex as soon as the wound is closed or the stitches have been removed. The transparent gel contains active ingredients that support the healing process inside the skin, regulating the production of scar tissue and working to positively influence scar formation.

Contractubex contains three complementary active ingredients:

1. Extractum cepae

has anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties and prevents the formation of excessive scar tissue.

2. Heparin

softens the tissue structure, has anti-inflammatory and anti-swelling properties, supports cell and tissue regeneration and is able to bind water to the scar tissue.

3. Allantoin

encourages wound healing and has a softening effect, promotes penetration through the skin and relieves the itching often associated with scar formation.

How should I use this medicine?

Early and consistent treatment with Contractubex leads to visible results

The sooner a scar is treated, the greater the chance of positively influencing scar formation. Start applying Contractubex as soon as the wound is closed and/or any stitches have been removed. The clear gel is easy and safe to apply.

Ideally, Contractubex gel should be gently massaged in 2 to 3 times daily for at least 3 months. Contractubex forms a discrete film that protects the sensitive scar tissue.

Apply Contractubex only to wounds that are already closed. Avoid contact with eyes, the inside of the nose or mouth and other mucous membranes.

Start at the centre and work towards the edges, massaging the gel gently into the scar.

Continue with a small, circular motion until Contractubex is completely absorbed.

Scar treatment needs patience, as the injured skin takes time to heal. After about 4 weeks, a reduction of redness can usually be observed; after two months, the scar tissue gradually becomes lighter, more elastic and flat.

Contractubex is very safe and its tolerability has been proven in numerous clinical studies. Small children and even babies can be treated safely.

The treatment can also work on scars that are older. With older scars Contractubex should be massaged in 3 times daily for at least 6 months.

Areas of use

Wounds are injuries of the skin and stay with us our whole lives. Most wounds are harmless and are quickly forgotten. Nevertheless, they leave marks on our skin: a scar.

Contractubex can be used following many different types of injuries to the skin:

  • Abrasions
  • Cuts or lacerations
  • Operations (including after Caesarean section)
  • Burns or scalds
  • Laser treatments (such as tattoo removal)

The resulting scars are also as diverse as the types of injuries. Some scars are barely visible, while others may hurt or even cause physical impairments – for example, in range of motion.




ジェネリック Melatonin

人々は、体の内部時計を調節するために、メラトニンを使います。予定が毎日の仕事を変える人々で睡眠覚醒循環を調節するために、それが時差ぼけのために使われます。それが、盲人が1昼夜サイクルを確立するのを援助するために使われます。メラトニンが、寝入る(不眠症)ことができないことのためにも、使われます; 遅延性睡眠段階症候群(DSPS); 急速眼球運動睡眠行動障害(RBD); 注意力欠陥-活動亢進障害(ADHD)を伴う不眠症; 特定の高血圧薬物による不眠症は、ベータ受容体遮断薬を呼びました; そして、自閉症、脳性麻痺と知的な障害を含む発達上の障害の子供たちの睡眠問題。ベンゾジアゼピン薬の用法をやめた後に、そして、禁煙する副作用を減らすために、それが睡眠援助としても使われます。一部の人々は、アルツハイマー病または記憶喪失(痴呆)のためにメラトニンを使います。障害、慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)と呼ばれている肺疾患、ベータ受容体遮断薬薬に起因する不眠症、子宮内膜症のために、一部の人々はメラトニンを使います。そして、耳、落ち込みまたは季節性感情障害(SAD)、軽い精神的欠陥、アルコールを含まない肝疾患、慢性疲労症候群(CFS)、線維筋痛、絶え間ない足症候群を取り囲みます。そして、炎症性病気がサルコイドーシス、精神分裂症、片頭痛と他頭痛、年齢に関連する視力損失、良性前立腺過形成(BPH)、過敏性大腸症候群(IBS)、骨損失(骨粗鬆症)、遅行性顔面麻痺(TD)と呼ばれている運動障害と呼ばれています。酸性の逆流病、ヘリコバクターピロリ(H. pylori)、運動パフォーマンス、不妊性、癲癇、手術後の回復、麻酔に起因する動揺、ストレス、不随意運動障害(遅行性顔面麻痺)、定めることから体を起こす(姿勢の心搏急速症候群)ことに、貴社が移る心拍数の変化、精神錯乱、排尿をコントロールすることができないこと、あごの痛み、炎症性腸疾患(潰瘍性大腸炎)のための更年期(メタボリックシンドローム)のために、老化のために、そして、産児制限のために、一部の人々は、メラトニンを使います。 ... 詳細



Wellbutrin Sr

ジェネリック Wellbutrin Sr

ジェネリックウェッゥブツリンサステインドレリス(Generic Wellbutrin Sustained-Release)は、抗うつ薬です。また、それは禁煙援助として効果的です。 ... 詳細




ジェネリック Champix

バレニクリンは禁煙のお薬です。 ... 詳細
