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Générique Xalacom
Soins Des Yeux (Latanoprost + Timolol)

Marque(s): Latocom

Fabricant: Sun Pharma

Diseases: Glaucoma

Xalacom - eye drops, related to combined antiglaucoma drugs. The drops contain 2 active components: timolol maleate, which reduces the accumulation of moisture, watery consistency in the ciliary epithelium and latanoprost, which reduces the intraocular pressure due to the acceleration of the outflow of water accumulated. The drops act already during the first hour after the beginning of their use and maximum efficiency develops after six-eight hours.
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Xalacom Prix:€ 59.88 Par compte-gouttes:€ 59.88 Achetez!:
€ 59.88
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Xalacom Prix:€ 92.14 Par compte-gouttes:€ 46.07 D'épargne:- Achetez!:
€ 92.14
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Xalacom Prix:€ 129.02 Par compte-gouttes:€ 43.01 D'épargne:- Achetez!:
€ 129.02
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Xalacom Free AirMail shipping Prix:€ 165.90 Par compte-gouttes:€ 41.47 D'épargne:- Achetez!:
€ 165.90
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Timolol and Latanoprost eye drops

What is this medicine?

LATANOPROST belongs to a group of medicines known as prostaglandin analogues. Timolol belongs to a group of medicines known as beta-blockers. Latanoprost works by increasing the natural outflow of fluid from the eye into the bloodstream. TIMOLOL works by slowing the formation of fluid in the eye.
Timolol and Latanoprost is used to reduce the pressure in your eye if you have conditions known as open angle glaucoma or ocular hypertension. Both these conditions are linked to an increase in the pressure within your eye, eventually affecting your eyesight. Your doctor will usually prescribe you Timolol and Latanoprost when other medicines have not worked adequately.

What should I tell my health care provider before I take this medicine?

Timolol and Latanoprost can be used in adult men and women (including the elderly), but is not recommended for use if you are less than 18 years of age.
Do not use Timolol and Latanoprost eye drops solution:

  • if you are allergic (hypersensitive) to either latanoprost or timolol, beta-blockers, or any of the other ingredients of Timolol and Latanoprost (listed in section 6)
  • if you have now or have had in past respiratory problems such as asthma, severe chronic obstructive bronchitis (severe lung disease which may cause wheeziness, difficulty in breathing and/or long-standing cough)
  • if you have serious heart problems or heart rhythm disorders

Talk to your doctor or pharmacist before using Timolol and Latanoprost if you have now or have had in the past:

  • coronary heart disease (symptoms can include chest pain or tightness, breathlessness or choking), heart failure, low blood pressure
  • disturbances of heart rate such as slow heart beat
  • breathing problems, asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • poor blood circulation disease (such as Raynaud’s disease or Raynaud’s syndrome)
  • diabetes as timolol may mask signs and symptoms of low blood sugar
  • overactivity of the thyroid gland as timolol may mask signs and symptoms
  • you are about to have any kind of eye surgery (including cataract surgery) or have had any kind of eye surgery in the past
  • you suffer from eye problems (such as eye pain, eye irritation, eye inflammation or blurred vision)
  • you know that you suffer from dry eyes
  • you wear contact lenses. You can still use Timolol and Latanoprost but follow the instructions for contact lens wearers in section 3
  • you know that you suffer from angina (particularly a type known as Prinzmetal angina)
  • you know that you suffer from severe allergic reactions that would usually require hospit al treatment
  • you have suffered or are currently suffering from a viral infection of the eye caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV)

Do not use Timolol and Latanoprost if you are pregnant unless your doctor considers it necessary. Tell your doctor immediately if you are pregnant, think you are pregnant or are planning to become pregnant.
Do not use Timolol and Latanoprost if you are breast-feeding. Timolol and Latanoprost may get into your milk. Ask your doctor for advice before taking any medicine during breast-feeding.

What may interact with this medicine?

Tell your doctor before you have an operation that you are using Timolol and Latanoprost as Timolol may change effects of some medicines used during anaesthesia.
Tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines, including using eye drops and medicines obtained without a prescription.
Timolol and Latanoprost can affect or be affected by other medicines you are using, including other eye drops for the treatment of glaucoma. Tell your doctor if you are using or intend to use medicines to lower blood pressure, heart medicine or medicines to treat diabetes.
In particular, speak to your doctor or pharmacist if you know that you are taking any of the following types of medicine:

  • Prostaglandins, prostaglandin analogues or prostaglandin derivates
  • Beta-blockers
  • Epinephrine
  • Drugs used to treat high blood pressure such as oral calcium channel blockers, guanethidine, antiarrythmics, digitalis glycosides or parasympathomimetics
  • Quinidine (used to treat heart conditions and some types of malaria)
  • Antidepressants known as fluoxetine and paroxetine

Timolol and Latanoprost with food and drink

Normal meals, food or drink have no effect on when or how you should use Timolol and Latanoprost.

How should I use this medicine?

Always use this medicine exactly as your doctor or pharmacist has told you. Check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
The recommended dose for adults (including the elderly) is one drop once a day in the affected eye(s). Do not use Timolol and Latanoprost more than once a day, because the effectiveness of the treatment can be reduced if you administer it more often.
Use Timolol and Latanoprost as instructed by your doctor until your doctor tells you to stop. Your doctor may want you to have extra checks on your heart and circulation if you use Timolol and Latanoprost.
If you wear contact lenses, you should remove them before using Timolol and Latanoprost. After using Timolol and Latanoprost you should wait 15 minutes before putting your contact lenses back in.

What side effects may I notice from this medicine?

The usage of brand or generic Xalacom might lead to side effects that include dry eyes and mouth, headache, irritation, itching in eyes, watery eyes and temporary blurred vision. It is advisable to seek medical help in case of any serious or prolonged side effects. Remove contact lenses before application of Latanoprost-Timolol eyes drops and do not use for the next 15 minutes. Stop usage of Xalacom and immediately seek medical attention in case of chest pain or severe allergies

Where should I keep my medicine?

The unopened eye drop container should be stored in temperature between 2°C to 8°C and out of contact with light. Once opened, it should be stored at room temperature of up to 25°C away from light and children. The drops should be used within 10 weeks of opening the container.

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Latanoprost + Timolol

Brand Xalacom


Xalacom® est un médicament combiné anti-glaucomateux avec un effet myotique. Chaque ml de Xalacom® contient Latanoprost 50 mcg et Timolol Maleate LP équivalent à 5 mg de timolol. Ces substances contribuent à réduire efficacement la pression intraoculaire élevée en raison de deux mécanismes d’action différents, ce qui contribue à un meilleur effet clinique par rapport à la monothérapie. ... Plus D'information


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Générique Acular

L’Acular Générique soulage les démangeaisons oculaires causées par les allergies saisonnières. On le prescrit aussi pour réduire les inflammations après une opération des yeux pour la cataracte. ... Plus D'information

0.4% 5ml